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Frequently Asked Questions

Regardless of whether you've worked with an editor before or not, I'm sure you have tonnes of questions! Below I've answered some of the questions I receive the most so hopefully you can get it answered straight away. If not, just visit my contact page and I'll be happy to answer any lingering questions you may have.

What’s the best first step for working together?

If you’re interested in working together, head over to my contact page and reach out. We can then discuss logistics such as delivery dates and rates and I’ll send over a contract for you to sign. Nothing scary, don't worry, just makes sure we are all on the same page!

Can I keep our collaboration a secret?

I appreciate that you might want to keep our collaboration a secret and I’m happy to agree to that. Just be sure to let me know first!

Will you match my style?

If that’s what you want then yes! When we first start working together, I’ll always ask you to point me in the direction of your favourite videos. Whether that’s ones you’ve previously worked on or of other filmmakers that you are inspired by. This way I can quickly work out what you’re looking for in the edit. I’m also happy to receive a brief alongside the footage if you have specific instructions and for the grade I can incorporate LUTs you used to have a visual match.

How do you know how to edit the weddings if you aren’t there on the day?

This is a common concern of wedding videographers and one that I can totally understand. But trust me, you don’t need to be there to work out the story, the vibe, and the best shots of the day. Editors rarely come on set in all areas of filmmaking and this allows them to be objective and offer a fresh perspective on the rushes. Of course, if there are standout moments that you absolutely want me to feature then you can point me in the right direction but chances are I’ll find them anyway in my footage culling session.

Are you available to just do the grading?

Absolutely! I love grading and I’m always willing to take on new grading projects, whether that be a short film, music video, or documentary. You can view all of my services so whether you need me for the whole process or just for certain stages, I’m happy to be on hand.

What software do you use?

Over the years, I’ve used Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere, and Avid Media Composer but I’ve settled on DaVinci Resolve as my favourite. Working as a complete package, not only are the editing tools great but the colour grading, audio mixing, and finishing tools are fantastic too so I don’t have to swap between software and can easily go back in to make quick fixes and tweaks.

How do I send you footage?

I generally prefer to have the high resolution source files, especially if I’m grading and finishing your short film and the best way to get these to me is by good old fashioned post. However, I appreciate this isn’t always feasible, especially if you’re not based in the UK so we can discuss other options too such as download links, Dropbox, Google Drive, and other methods. I'm also happy to work with proxies if you want to do the final export. As long as I get the footage in plenty of time, I’m flexible with how I receive it.

What are the benefits of outsourcing an editor?

It can be hard to let go of your footage, especially when you were there on the long days making sure you got the perfect shots. But imagine having someone who lives and breathes editing, diving into your project with a fresh perspective and a wealth of industry experience. Whether it is for every film you create or just the occasional one when you’re super up against it, getting an editor on board will not only take the pressure off and allow you to hit looming deadlines but will also bring a new set of eyes to cherry-pick the best moments.

Just because you’re outsourcing an editor doesn’t mean you’ll lose your style in the process. I’ll always ask to see your favourite work to emulate your style if that’s what you’re after. Or we can explore new ideas together. It’s all in your hands still.

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